Stay Put

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The solution Stay Put has been developed by the City of Aarhus in the Interreg North Sea project called SCORE. It is a generic solution, that enables the tracking and monitoring of the position of different types of city inventory.

It works across multiple domains and can easily be duplicated and used for a specific use-case. All that is needed is an object on which you can place a sensor, like signs, worker e-bikes, lifebuoys, etc. The sensor provides the solution/dashboard with detailed information about the object and its location, along with battery level of the sensor. It is possible to click on the object and see historical positions for the tracked object. You can be alerted and receive notifications if the object has moved out of a defined geofence. Furthermore, it is possible to make the dashboard internally available for all in the organisation and/or open it to the public.

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In the city of Aarhus, the solution has been tested and used in different scenarios and has been fully implemented to track and monitor the position of a select number of life savings devices – more precisely lifebuoys at the harbour front and canals. The solution functionality, usage and benefits it provides to the city is monitored and documented for future decisions regarding the template.

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It is built an open-source IoT data platform called Thingsboard. This ensures both, easy replication, and duplication, but also modifications and integrations with other types of sensors, and also access control management for various types of users.