Safe & Healthy Routes to School

Circular Cebra

This project combines the traditional actions used for the implementation of school paths (design of optimal routes for girls and boys, horizontal signage, vertical signage) with new technologies to improve the safety of the routes and give confidence to the parents for their children to use.

The objectives of the project include:

  • Create a network of safe itineraries, from the point of view of road safety, so that children can walk to schools on their daily journeys.
  • Reduce the number of private vehicles that transport minors to school, reducing levels of environmental pollution.
  • Encourage children to walk to school as an active way to fight against sedentary lifestyle and increase the autonomy of children.

There are two technological innovations that have been implemented in the project:

  • Crosswalk prioritization systems (intelligent pedestrian crossings and 3D zebra crossings)
  • People monitoring and tracking systems.
Ruta Escolar 4 Teresa Bonet

As an outstanding action within the project is the implementation of a free system for monitoring children's journeys to school and notification of the arrival to parents through an APP with anonymized data. This is to improve confidence in the safety of school roads and consequently reduce the number of trips to schools using private vehicles. This has a direct effect on the reduction of CO2 production, and on the pacification of the city during the hours of entry/exit of classes.

Find out more on the project website.

Ruta Escolar

Relevant challenges

  • Increase the autonomy of children and greater care and appreciation of their environment
  • Acquisition of sustainable mobility guidelines and awareness of caring for the environment
  • Confidence of families in the use of school routes
  • Reduction in the number of private vehicles that transport minors to school
  • Reduction of environmental pollution levels