Find Berths / Moorings

Berths Gramstad

Karlskrona municipality provides approximately 1,900 leisure boat berths at 29 different jetty and harbor facilities. Most places are in central Karlskrona, but also in the outer areas, a berth can be rented. Prices vary according to level of service. It just got a lot easier to find out everything you need to know about municipal moorings.

Have you ever stood on a jetty, seen an empty berth and wondered if it was vacant? Now you can go to to find out everything you need to know about municipal moorings. If the place you scouted is vacant and fits your boat, you can book directly on the municipality's website and the boat place is yours before you leave the pier.

At your convenience
In Karlskrona, the city by the sea, there is great interest in the municipal moorings. Making all information about each berth available makes it easier for the user to handle what concerns the berth themselves - everything from seeing if it is available, booking, paying and canceling it.

Onlineberths Gramstad

You can stand in line
Anyone looking for a berth on the website can also see which places are available in different areas. There is also information about each place's depth, width and length, as well as whether there is electricity or water and how the boat should be moored at the place.

The opportunity to stand in line for a municipal seasonal berth is still there and those who are in line today will be able to log in to see where they are in the queue. Existing berth customers will receive a link via email or text message when it's time to pay for the berth for the season.

Rentberth Gramstad

Relevant challenges

The active role of citizens and their direct involvement is essential to simplify and enhance data sharing practices and actions and promote the strategic use of data and emerging technologies across the city in general and in particular for initiatives addressing administrative simplification.

Simplify processes and use digital channels whenever appropriate for the delivery of European public services, to respond promptly and with high quality to users’ requests and reduce the administrative burden on public administrations, businesses and citizens.

See Recommendation 17 of the EIF:

Making all information about each berth available makes it easier for the user to handle what concerns the berth themselves - everything from seeing if it is available, booking, paying and canceling it.

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