Urban Platform: A Single Integrated View of our (smart) Cities

Urban Platform
Image provided by Ubiwhere

Ubiwhere has developed the Urban Platform with the ambition of providing cities with cloud services that enable location intelligence and deliver holistic views of a city or region. It is an intuitive cloud platform for governments, designed for municipalities actively looking to contribute back to those who manage them and to their inhabitants. The Urban Platform offers real-time analytics and web mapping tools, all based on cross-domain information and customisable dashboards. It allows its end-users to customise the look and feel, regarding the data and its presentation format, and get access to a global and integrated real-time view of the urban environment.

Ubiwhere’s solution assists cities in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), defined by the United Nations for 2030, by considering the Sustainable Cities and Communities Indicators from the international norms ISO 37120 and 37122, among other indicators.

With these goals in mind and leveraging its interoperability features, the Urban Platform strongly enhances the digitisation of the municipality. It integrates with other existing systems, presenting itself as an aggregating solution for the different smart city sectors (mobility, environment, tourism, energy or waste). By automatically calculating standard KPIs, it helps to benchmark the city and to assist in fulfilling these goals.

The Urban Platform is a cloud solution designed and created by Ubiwhere for Smart Cities, powered by data (open, public, and private), open standards and open-source software.