Loop One - Indoor Air Quality Solution

Image provided by Loopshore

Loop One solution includes an intelligent indoor air quality sensor and analysis service. Sensor provides comprehensive and reliable information of any measured space in real time. Loop One sensor is based on our patented technology and can measure nine vital measurements cost-effectively.

Loop One provides a cloud based smart service to view analyzed air quality status, to report air quality data and to send alarms for your needs. With the help of Loop One service you are able to minimize potential health effects, detect possible building defects as well as to control ventilation and energy consumption of your building.

Proactive maintenance saves tens of percent on future property renovation costs. Air quality monitoring enables effective forecasting of problems. Workplaces with good indoor air quality typically have tens of percent fewer sickness absences, and people's productivity improves significantly. Buildings with good indoor air produce tens of percent better investment over the long term.
